2024 in review

It’s the last day of the year, just in time to write my now-customary year in review article. Does anyone actually read these, or am I just writing them for myself? It doesn’t really matter either way, as I mainly do write them for myself. I do enjoy looking back at previous years and see what has changed and what has stayed the same.

2023 in review

Another year in review - even though it feels like I wrote the previous one not so long ago. Time flies and it’s flying faster and faster each and every year.

2022 in review

Another year flew by, I can't really believe it's already been a whole year since I wrote 2021 in review. A very busy and somewhat stressful year - although not for all the reasons I predicted a year ago.

2021 in review

Welcome to the end of 2021, a.k.a. the second year of the pandemic. Another year of not going abroad, barely seeing friends, playing Dungeons & Dragons via Zoom instead of at the table. A year of mild depression and feelings of loneliness. But also a year of hope when we all got access to the vaccines and when we didn't hear about Trump every day in the news. And last but not least: it was also a very productive year!

2016 in review

It’s that time of year again to look back and reflect at everything you’ve done and achieved, and to make plans for the next year. 2016 was a pretty big year for me, both personally and professionally. In the end of August 2015 I moved back from...

2012 in review

On January 2 I moved to Iceland with two suitcases and a job contract. My new title: iOS developer at Gangverk, a small company creating iPhone- and Android apps for CBS in the United States. This was the beginning of an amazing year for me, both...